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Your Story.
Our Impact.

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Dear Friends,


I’m so proud and grateful to be at the helm of the largest Planned Parenthood affiliate in the country, with 35 health centers in 42 counties across California and Nevada — especially at a time when the two states we serve are lighting the way to preserve reproductive freedom, while those rights have gone dark in much of the country.


I’m proud that we had already spent years preparing for an abortion-care catastrophe by the time the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in late June.


And I’m grateful for the unwavering support we’ve received from our donors, our community partners, our volunteers, our legislators, and our patients.


This has enabled us to act on our plans to build larger health centers near airports and major transportation hubs, train more abortion providers, and expand hours so we can be open whenever our patients need us.


Your donation of time — more than 5,000 hours from nearly 400 volunteers and interns — supported all of our programs and teams across the PPMM affiliate. You shared stories and learned how to advocate for PPMM services. You were a big part of our mission to strive for community health equity — providing everyone with the opportunity to achieve their full health-potential regardless of how much money they make, where they live, or where they’re from.  


What I’ve seen from so many people during this unprecedented time is care. Care for each other, care for complete strangers, care for our communities, and care for what we do.

PPMM’s staff work tirelessly on the frontlines, behind the scenes, to create the impact you’ll read about in this Impact Report. Their commitment, dedication, and perseverance bolsters our resolve to be there for our patients, as well as other young people and families in our communities, who need us more than ever. Because of your support and care, they know we are here for them – no matter what. 


In this together,

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Stacy Cross

President & CEO

Health equity is achieved when everyone can attain their highest potential for health, well-being, and autonomy. To progress toward equity, we consciously work to eliminate barriers to health including underlying social disadvantages, discrimination, inequities in resources, and other socially determined circumstances. At PPMM, we are proud to not only deliver high-quality health care and accurate sex education, but to also be fighting to change policies, laws, and systems to create more just and equitable communities where we live and work.

Health equity

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2022 elimination of the national right to abortion

You have been by our side through decades of battles, but this stunning reversal is the most devastating attack we have seen in generations, reducing half the population in many states to the status of second-class citizens.

How we move forward matters more than ever — for our communities, for our futures.

Know this: Planned Parenthood Mar Monte will never back down. We will be relentless in our commitment and insistence on achieving health equity in all of our communities. People need to control their own body, life, and future — no matter where they live, no matter what their circumstances. 

Politicians and judges do not belong in a personal decision about whether to have an abortion.

The June U.S. Supreme Court ruling that overturned Roe v. Wade has sparked an explosion of abortion bans across the country, restricting or eliminating access, one state at a time. And this is far from over. We are already seeing states targeting the elimination of the right to birth control, marriage equality, and more. 

Generations before us have fought tirelessly to gain and protect the rights that six Supreme Court justices stripped away this spring. But PPMM increased our capacity to provide abortion care for all who need it in California, Nevada, and for those who are no longer able to receive this care in the state where they live.

Your support and dedication powers this organization. Together, we are taking action to ensure that everyone has the care they need and the rights they deserve. 

With your help, we’ll continue to stand for this care, keeping our doors open for whoever needs us. This moment will not defeat us. 

Health Care


Abortion is health care

Dr. Jessica Hamilton, associate medical director of abortion services at Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, sees our patients in California and Nevada and shared this story about a patient who came to us for her abortion:

“I recently cared for a refugee who came to her appointment with her case worker, and we spoke using an interpreter. She came to the U.S. for asylum, with her children, and she said she could not support another child.


“Unfortunately, we do not offer in-center abortion care at her local health center. Usually, we’d refer her to our closest health center with this level of care – which in her case, was 130 miles away. But she was in her second trimester. She would have needed to stay overnight for a two-day procedure. She would also have to find care for her children, travel with her case worker, and find accommodations – the barriers were extraordinary.


“Because of the unusual circumstances, we were able to start her procedure at her local health center and see her the next day at our neighboring site.”

This patient isn’t alone in needing this care and support. After the fall of Roe, we have had so many people reaching out to share their abortion stories.

A young woman from Sacramento

A decisive moment in Guerneville

A mother and divorcee at a pivotal moment

A woman in Sacramento finds her dream career

Patient care and clinician development

We know that part of caring for our patients means supporting and providing development opportunities for our clinicians who see them.

This past year we surveyed all of our clinicians to determine how they wanted to advance their skills. On that list were, aspiration abortion, vasectomy, colposcopy, loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP), deep implant training, biopsy, family medicine, and even public speaking.

We used the information we gathered to ensure that each provider will begin training in one of the skills they identified as their preferred area of development. This not only helps to ensure our patients are getting the highest level of care with every visit, it also ensures that our clinicians are continuously learning, growing, and satisfied with their work.

Data-driven community health care

PPMM health care teams are now using a digital analytical tool that allows providers to view and assess many aspects of population health, targeted specifically for our patients. Providers can quickly collect crucial health data based on where patients live, their age, their most recent infection-screening, and other indicators that may put them in risk groups for threats to their health. 

When we have this information, we can find out immediately how our patients are doing, conduct studies on health trends of patient groups, and close gaps in care, such as making sure that patients’ cancer-screenings are up to date. 


Total visits


Reproductive health care visits*


Abortion procedures
(76% medication, 24% on-site)


Long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) visits


Gender affirming care visits


Tests for sexually transmitted infections (STI)


Breast and cervical cancer screenings


Pediatric and adult

family medicine visits


Behavioral health visits

Patients may receive multiple services per visit​


* Wellness, contraception, pregnancy, gender affirming care, STI testing/treatment and cancer-screening visits.
** Pediatric and adult primary care

Patient experience

PPMM is committed to delivering an exceptional experience of care for every patient, every time. This is one of the ways we advance health equity across every community we serve. 

In addition to staff trainings, PPMM uses patient feedback to drive efforts and enhance the care we provide. We use metrics based on patient surveys and share the results with our providers, motivating our dedicated staff to deliver a patient-centered model of care that aligns with our mission of improving health outcomes and health equity. 

161,408 unique patients in FY2022


live below 100% of the Federal Poverty Level (2022 FPL annual income for one person is $13,590)


live at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level


used Medicaid/Medi-Cal/Family PACT/Medicare

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Education is care

131,402 people reached through all PPMM Education and outreach programs, including:

14,719 comprehensive sex ed students enrolled in PPMM Digital Learning middle school and high school e-courses (Spanish and English)


3,848 people received sex ed and info from PPMM high school peer educators and Spanish-speaking adult volunteers (promotores/x)


235 young parents received comprehensive case management, positive youth development coaching, and resource navigation to support their parenting and educational goals.


105,000 estimated people reached via PPMM outreach kits, including sex ed info and barrier methods, distributed by 78 community partners in 25 counties in California and Nevada. 



26,121 youth and adults (including those counted above) participated in PPMM Education core programs including Digital Learning, Peer Education, Youth Development, Adult Training, and Community Education

24,168 more reached through social media content created by PPMM Education and youth-led (Y-LED) designers. These young people research, design, and create relevant, impactful, and easily accessible sex ed content for youth and young adults.

Sex Ed Outcomes


of middle and high school students who completed PPMM Sex Ed agree or strongly agree that the information they learned from the courses will help them now or in the future.


or more of students who completed PPMM Sex Ed agreed that if they had questions about sexual health, gender identity, or being safe in relationships, they could trust Planned Parenthood.


of students who completed PPMM Sex Ed were able to identify two ways of preventing pregnancy and STIs, versus only 30% before their PPMM course.

Something I liked most about the course is how they used characters who are probably going through the same thing kids our age are going through.
-8th grade student, Monterey County

I liked how it [PPMM Sex Ed] taught us about gender identities, sexual orientation, human trafficking, and more.

-9th grade student, San Joaquin County

I liked most that it uses stories as examples and that it gives us links for stuff we might need and most importantly how to stay safe and healthy after and before sexual intercourse. 
-7th grade student, Monterey County

The thing I like most about the course is that it gave us a story with characters while still going over important topics. It gives us an idea on how to help someone in need or even help ourselves.
-9th grade student, Santa Clara County

I liked how it was a fun learning experience. The small quizzes and short videos made this course a lot more interesting and engaging.
-7th grade student, Alameda County

"Better than a textbook!"

In FY22 PPMM Education continued to innovate to increase access to sex education through:


  • Digital Learning journeys for 5th-12th graders: The middle and high school e-courses each immerse students in stories that were developed by and for youth to capture students' hearts and minds while they complete activities, play games, and complete quizzes to learn essential concepts defined by comprehensive sex ed state and national standards.


  • Special Education (SPED) Sex Ed: School partners deliver standards-aligned sex ed lessons for special education students. Classroom teachers learn how to skillfully deliver the four-lesson PPMM SPED course to students with significant disabilities.


  • The Sex Ed Equity Project: PPMM also recruits, coaches, and supports partners in delivering evidence-based sex ed programs in person to vulnerable youth who are incarcerated, on probation, in foster care, or have been suspended from school.

student demographics

**Percentages do not add up to 100% as respondents were able to select more than one race/ethnicity option

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is care

At PPMM, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) means more than just buzzwords. It’s about creating an environment where our employees and the people we serve feel safe, included, and supported. DEI is a cultural transformation that requires changes in behavior, processes, and organizational systems. In order for meaningful change to happen, everyone has a unique role to play.


PPMM and its Leadership Team is committed to having uncomfortable conversations, addressing historical and present-day systemic barriers and inequities through actions, and continuing to hold ourselves accountable. We strive to meet the unique needs of all stakeholders, especially traditionally marginalized and underserved communities, within and beyond the organization by continuously engaging our staff members and communities.

In September of 2021, PPMM brought on our first-ever vice president of DEI who also oversees the affiliate’s staff DEI Committee, a diverse advisory group that helps ensure PPMM’s value of respecting and honoring all people is reflected throughout the organization.  

The DEI Committee currently consists of 18 members, representing different cultural identity groups, as well as different PPMM teams from all of our five service regions and departments such as Patient Services, PPMM Education, Human Resources, and Development. 

The Committee also includes a workgroup that focuses on understanding the needs, struggles, and strengths of our communities, and recommending strategies to ensure that PPMM’s programs and services are culturally responsive and accessible.

PPMM employee demographics

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is care

Advocating for our patients and the essential services provided in our health centers — whether on local boards and organizations, state legislatures, or congressional districts — is vital to the communities PPMM serves.

  • Public Affairs supported 12 local reproductive freedom resolutions enshrining cities, school boards, and counties’ commitment to protecting access to reproductive healthcare and freedoms.


  • Public affairs worked with Sacramento and the City of San Mateo to pass Reproductive Health Clinic Buffer Zones that protect patients and employees from harassment and obstruction when accessing health centers in those cities


  • Public affairs attended over 100 meetings with elected officials throughout the affiliate. When the Dobbs decision leaked, Public Affairs staff immediately met with local leaders to engage in budget advocacy to advance local financial resources to support PPMM patient services.


  • Public Affairs hosted nine Bans off Our Bodies rallies in May, for the National Day of Action, with over 5,000 supporters in Reno, Sacramento, Stockton, Oakland, Fresno, Modesto, San Jose, Bakersfield, and Visalia.

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In a year that presented Planned Parenthood and our patients with the most devastating attack on reproductive rights in a half-century, the California Future of Abortion Council was formed to identify challenges in the state and recommend solutions that improve access and reproductive freedom for Californians and those who may seek services from out of state. PPMM leadership was there to sponsor and champion first-of-its-kind legislation protecting California's abortion and contraception rights.


Select 2022 California reproductive-freedom bills, sponsored by PPMM, that have been signed into law by Gov. Gavin Newsom: 


  • AB 1666: Protects patients and providers in California from civil liability judgments for providing reproductive health care to patients when the claims are based on laws in other states that are hostile to abortion rights and are contrary to the public policy of California.


  • AB 2091: Enhances privacy protections for medical records related to abortion care, such as prohibiting disclosures to law enforcement and out-of-state third parties seeking to enforce abortion bans in other states.


  • AB 2134: Establishes the California Reproductive Health Equity Program, which will give grants to health care professionals who provided uncompensated abortion and contraceptive care to patients with low incomes.


  • AB 2223: Creates clear and consistent guidance regarding existing protections under the Reproductive Privacy Act, to protect people from prosecutions and criminalization of abortion or pregnancy loss.


  • SB 1142: Creates a website with comprehensive and accurate information regarding accessing abortion services in California.


Gov. Steve Sisolak signed an executive order strengthening protections for those seeking access to reproductive health care in Nevada. That includes strong protections for abortion providers in Nevada who may be targeted by individuals, politicians, and courts in abortion-ban states. 


  • Protecting providers: Health care and other licensed professionals in Nevada must be protected by state oversight boards and commissions and should not be disqualified or disciplined in Nevada based on penalties threatened or imposed under the laws of another state for reproductive health care services.


  • Protecting patients: The office of the Governor will decline any request received from another state to issue a warrant for the arrest or surrender of any person charged with a criminal violation of a law of that state if the violation alleged involves reproductive health care services.


The Nevada Legislature meets during odd-numbered years and will go into session in 2023. 


is care

Volunteers keep us strong

This year we were more fortunate than ever to have our supporters on our side, giving their time and donations to strengthen our communities and fight for a better future. Our volunteers are an inspiring reflection of the community support that is so essential to PPMM and those we serve.

Featuring PPMM’s Chief Medical Operating Officer Dr. Laura Dalton and PPMM storyteller Abby Fanio

In 2022, our Volunteer Services team launched recurring trainings open to all supporters. These trainings provided valuable insight and information to our supporters, ensuring that interested volunteers always had a new training opportunity, so they could become involved with us right away. 

These virtual, brief trainings are some of the ways our volunteers reached out to support our work – and the trainings are accessible to anyone with an internet connection or smartphone. 


  • PPMM 101: A virtual introduction where volunteers learned more about us, were welcomed into our work and mission, and learned how to advocate for us in their communities.


  • Storytelling 101: Trained volunteers on how to craft their personal Planned Parenthood stories and how to share their story with us, including recording a video and/or sharing their story on social media


  • How to Use the Take Action Toolkit: We walked volunteers through the Take Action Volunteer Toolkit, empowering them to get involved with us on their own time.


  • Careers at PPMM: In collaboration with Talent Acquisition, we hosted regular webinars providing people with insight into how to work for PPMM, highlighting current job openings, and sharing best practices. There has been significant interest, helping us recruit and place new staff members. 

I chose to volunteer for PPMM because I am very passionate about women’s reproductive health and rights. After I did a little research on PPMM, I realized that a lot of my beliefs and values aligned with the organization, and I really liked the work that they had been doing over the years.
-Lisha, storyteller and research volunteer in San Jose

There is so much work to be done and I want to support the amazing activists and leaders within reproductive advocacy.

-Eve, UC Davis PPGenAction leader

I love PPMM because my whole life I struggled to feel supported and heard by a provider. After visiting PPMM, I am grateful to have a provider who cares so much about me, my well-being, and future. PPMM is always fighting for ME and now it's my turn to return the favor and fight for them!
-Cristina, YPC, Ambassador, and storyteller volunteer in Sacramento

I value reproductive autonomy because it ensures that I can fulfill my career goals and aspirations. It’s incredibly fulfilling to be able to work with Planned Parenthood, a national leader in reproductive advocacy, and help make an impact.
-Tanvi, research and phone bank volunteer

I have learned so many great things from being an intern at PPMM. I hope to use my new planning, collaborating, and implementing skills in the future to make a difference in my community and make it a safer place.
-Toria, Public Affairs Intern in Reno

Funding the future

We have a long fight ahead – one that will last beyond our lifetimes. What you do today can protect generations to come.

There are so many ways to give, and every dollar makes a difference. That’s why we created specific funds with the future in mind to provide long-term, reliable funding to our core programs – while protecting generations of patients to come.

4% of your investment will be used annually — forever — to support the associated programs, while your initial gift will continue to grow over time.

Health Center Improvement Fund

Purchase real estate, refurbish and maintain health centers, lease the latest health equipment, and more

Sexual and Reproductive
Health Access Fund

Offset the cost of providing abortion, vasectomies, birth control, gender affirming care, cancer screenings, and more

Education Fund

Offset the cost of providing sex education to the communities we serve

Physician Fund

Offset the salary or reimbursement of a physician or medical director who provides abortion services

General Endowment

Help meet the greatest need of the time.



People can give to the Endowment Funds in two ways:

  • A gift today (of any size)

  • A future gift to PPMM in their will or trust


To learn more, contact us at or 408.506.7798

Your story. Our impact.

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